A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed at each ordinary meeting for questions submitted by Members.


The question will be answered without discussion. The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion. The person to whom a question, or supplementary question, has been put may decline to answer it. 


The following written question has been received from a Member:


(1)      Councillor Mears


I refer to the following report presented to the Policy Resources and Growth Committee meeting on 11 October 2018 :   ‘The future delivery of responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes and major capital projects to council housing stock.’


The report outlines the following:


-        The estimated costs to deliver an in-house responsible repairs and empty property refurbishments service (Table 2).


-        The estimated set up mobilisation costs (Table 3).


Table 2 and Table 3 from the 2018 report are provided below.


Please can the Committee Chair outline what the final costs have been for each of these key elements listed in Table 2 and Table 3 below as compared to the estimate.